Friday Update 9/30

Today we get the final slot on the Holonet!  It’s a Galaxy map, complete with 3D view!

Each section of the Galaxy Map gives you a list of the planets found there, clicking on that section will open up the 3D view in new little window (requires the Unity web plugin to work).  It took it a bit to load the assets for me.. but.. it looks good!

Once you’re in the 3D view, you can listen to some cool background music, and get detailed planet information:

The Planet view has a ‘watch video’ button, but.. I was unable to get a video to play for any of the planets right now.  I did find other good stuff though.. read on for more!

From the Galaxy Map.. we also get a 3D view of all the starships!


Here’s the close up of the Ship belong to the Totally Awesome Smuggler:

Like the Planets, we can also get a little blurb of info about the ship:

Very cool stuff in there!