TOR Patch Notes 12/3

Minor update today after the servers came back up..only about 24 hours left in Beta for weekend and general testers before it ends.. so this is probably the last patch that will have widespread beta testing before launch.  I still expect another patch on launch day.



  • On PvE Servers, regions will no longer denote [PvP] unless they are an Open World PvP or Contested zone.
  • Significantly improved the accuracy of the estimated wait time to join a full server.


Classes and Combat

Imperial Agent

Bug Fixes

  • Updated the tooltip for Acid Blade.



Bug Fixes

  • Using the space bar to exit the first Ord Mantell conversation with Havoc Squad will no longer cause Jorgan to appear tiny in the next scene.


General Combat Bug Fixes

  • Missile sound effects will no longer persist if the missile does not hit its intended target.
  • Fixed an issue that could cause some abilities to trigger earlier than intended.


Companion Characters

Bug Fixes

Fixed an issue that could cause Companion Character abilities to be off when they should be on by default.


Flashpoints and Operations


  • Adjusted the experience players receive for defeating Flashpoint bosses.
  • Significantly reduced the amount of experience given for bonus missions in Flashpoints.


Eternity Vault

  • Skinflayers and Imps will no longer fight one another.

Bug Fixes



  • Players are now correctly given the final mission step “Return to the Republic/Imperial Fleet.”


  • Players will no longer fall to their death when using the Enforcer Cruiser.

Colocoid War Game

  • Fixed several balance issues with Annihilator.

Directive 7

  • Killing the Replicator while in Hard mode will now unlock the loot chest as intended.

Mandalorian Raiders

  • Players are now correctly given the final mission step “Return to the Republic/Imperial Fleet.”


  • On screen text will now correctly match the bomb timers.


  • Fixed an issue that sometimes prevented players from entering Operations while on Hard difficulty.

Eternity Vault

  • Soa’s Power Orbs will now properly damage players.
  • Fixed an issue that would sometimes cause overlapping audio when the Infernal One speaks.

Karagga’s Palace

  • Fixed several issues with Bonethrasher’s combat abilities.
  • Fixed an issue that could sometimes prevent players from reaching the fight with Bonethrasher.


  • Added missing modification packages to Item Modification Vendors.


  • Players will no longer be required to keep a character above Act I to select a Legacy name once it has been unlocked.
  • The preference to “Show Legacy Name as Last Name” will now be on by default.

Missions and NPCs



  • Daily repeatable missions will now reset at 6:00 AM CST (12:00PM London, 1:00PM Paris/Berlin).
  • Completing bonus missions will now grant group members experience equal to half the amount granted to the player.


  • The Battle of Corellia:  Players will now be able to complete the step “Destroy the Barricade” as intended.
  • The Jedi Prisoner:  Added missing text to the conversation wheel for the conversation with MP-77.
  • Weapon of the Jedi:  Fixed an issue that caused players to be unable to see their Lightsaber during part of the cut scene.
  • Doomsday:  The mission step “Use Your Ship’s Intercom” can now be completed.



  • The vendors Columi, Tionese, and Rakata will now be located in the correct place on the Imperial Fleet.
  • Improved the combat animation for Battle Droid NPCs
  • Renamed Commendation Vendors on the Imperial Fleet that shared the same name.

Bug Fixes

  • The Collector’s Edition Training Droid will now properly recognize all enempy NPCs.
  • Enemies will now aggro as intended if attacked by Companion Characters at a distance.
  • Fixed an issue with the appearance of some Drall Librarians.


PvP Items

  • PvP Vendors no longer sell Battlemaster Bags.
  • Increased the cost of Champion Bags sold at PvP vendors.
  • Increased the cost of Battlemaster Implant and Earpieces and added a requirement of Valor Rank 60 to purchase and equip them.
  • Battlemaster Bags no longer contain Battlemaster Implant and Earpieces.



  • Added a preference that will automatically add players to chat channels based on current actions.
  • Fixed several instances of incorrect capitalization in tooltips and ability names.
  • Made significant improvements to functionality when dragging items and abilities on the UI.

Server Selection

  • The server selection screen will now more accurately display server population.
  • Fixed an issue where an incorrect login queue window could sometimes persist when returning to the server selection screen from character select.
  • Players will now default to the appropriate server selection screen for their region.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed several issues with the command functionality of custom chat channels.
  • Flashpoints will now properly display on planet maps.
  • Corrected the title for the “Item Modification” tutorial mission in French and German.
  • The time left for an auction to end will no longer display negative values in some circumstances.

Miscellaneous Bug Fixes

  • Fixed an issue that would sometimes prevent characters from logging in.
  • Fixed an issue that would sometimes cause some players to become stuck on a loading screen after being disconnected from the server.
  • Fixed several instances where players would get stuck in objects or terrain and sometimes be unable to use /stuck.
  • Fixed an issue that could cause a server error if players select a new server after initially choosing PvP server from the server select screen.