TOR Forum Wipe

Yesterday, BioWare announced that on December 10th, the Official Forums will go down for maintenance…and when they come up.. they’ll be completely clean and brand spanking new!  As an added bonus.. if your TOR account has any infractions, warnings, etc.. those are being wiped as well so the Community as a whole can start out fresh!


BioWare will also be following the tradition of most other major gaming companies, and start restricting access to game subscribers.  Effective the 15th with the start of Early Access, only people with Preorder codes attached to their accounts will be able to post.  After launch, it’ll be people with active subscriptions only!  Hopefully, that will keep some of the trolls out..

We’re also getting a new Community Blog!

Yellow posts from BW after the break..

This Saturday, Dec. 10th, the Forums will become unavailable as we make preparations for launch. When they become available again, you’ll notice many exciting changes!

First of all, we’ll have many new forums available where you can discuss all aspects of the game, from Crew Skills to PvP. The Guild Hall forums will be expanded significantly and will include new “Looking for Guild” forums, class forums will contain sub-forums for each Advanced Class, and we’ll introduce a new Story and Lore forum for discussion of the game’s setting and story. To encourage constructive community building, you’ll also notice a “New Player Help” forum and a Community section that includes areas for regional check-ins and meetups, all kinds of fan creations and role-playing, and forums for server event organization. These are just some of the new forums we’ll be introducing. We’re looking forward to all the great discussion!

Another new feature we’re implementing is our Community blog, which will appear at the top of We’ll use this blog for important community announcements, updates, and to post articles of interest to our community members, so make sure to check it out frequently!

The launch Forums will be a fresh start: all threads, posts, and private messages will be removed and warnings and infractions on your account will be deleted. If you have any special posts or private messages that you would like to save, please do so now! When Early Game Access begins, only those who have redeemed their Pre-Order Code will be able to post on the forums, though everyone will be able to view them. Then, when the game officially launches, only those who have active game time will be permitted to post.

As we move forward, we will continue to improve our community forums. You can expect to see new features that make it easier to find developer posts and several updates to our skin to make everyday use of the forums easier for everyone.

We’re very excited about the changes that are coming, and we can’t wait to work with you to make the Star Warsâ„¢: The Old Republicâ„¢ community a great experience for everyone!


As with any announcement of this sort.. there were a couple follow up posts from BW answering questions about it.


Originally Posted by JekRendar
Please separate Roleplay and Play-By-Post. Roleplayers do enjoy discussing RP, Canon, event planning, etc, without using a third-party site.

There will be a section for discussion of Roleplaying in general and a sub-forum for Roleplay and Play-by-Post threads!

Originally Posted by engrey
Are we getting a technology thread? I know it is some what off-topic and the OT section was removed, but having those threads in Newcomers right now does not feel right.

A few different threads regarding technical discussion will be permitted, though a full sub-forum for technical discussion and PC building is not planned.

Originally Posted by toole
Will the forum wipe extend to our guild’s forums?

No – your guild’s forums will remain available until January 2nd. For more information, check out the Guilds FAQ:

Originally Posted by tanis_
So this means that we all have free reign to go as crazy as we want on these forums since warnings and infractions won’t transfer, right?

No! Please note that we will make exceptions regarding infractions and suspensions for anyone who attempts to abuse this period intentionally – not that any of you would do that, right?


Originally Posted by Matteis View Post
When you say all the infractions on our account, does that really mean even the ones marked ‘EXPIRES: NEVER’?

That’s correct, the plan is to remove all infractions and warnings to give all community members a fresh new start.

1 Comment

  1. SWTOR is only a few days till release. Really excited! Beta was fun.

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