Lots of talk on my guild forums, as well as the Official forum (like this 127+ page thread here) about slicing’s profitability post-nerf. I decided to track all my slicing data (post patch) to see how I was faring. So, here’s my data for 12/27 post-patch. I didn’t record any pre-patch data so I don’t have any hard numbers for how much it was nerfed..but it was definitely a substantial one (I’d guess 60% ish).

If the only missions I send my companions on are slicing missions, I can still turn a small profit (assuming not a lot of failures.. the one failure yesterday cost me 1250 credits). I give the schematics/missions discoveries for skills I don’t have to guildmates.. but if I were unguilded (or, didn’t care about helping my guild)..I could sell those to increase my profit as well.
I’m gonna keep tracking the data for a bit longer, see how it balances out over the longer then one day term, but so far.. it’s still worth hanging on to.
Update:Â Here’s the results of my day slicing on the 28th.. I had a couple of good crit successes to start the day, but did have two failures =(

As you can see, I had time to run a few more missions yesterday then I did on Tuesday, and made about twice as much.