TOR For Mac?

BioWare’s answer to the ‘will TOR be Mac compatible’ has always been a ‘not at this time’ or  ‘currently only windows’ type of response.. never totally ruling out a Mac version.  While technically, the game is playable on my Mac – I have to reboot into windows to do so, and constantly rebooting is a pain, even for playing TOR.

There appears to be some good news on the Mac version front… Massively has interviewed the BioWare Drs.  They were specifically asked (again, since I know this question comes up a lot) about a Mac version…and had this to say:

“I’d say ‘not yet,'” Zeschuk assured me when I told him that, as a BioWare fan, I’m unable to play The Old Republic on my less than two-year-old MacBook. Though Muzyka was quick to remind me that I can technically play the game on a Windows partition, he also admitted that it wasn’t an ideal situation. “We’ve done a lot of Mac ports before of our games. We haven’t announced any details yet for The Old Republic, but we know that’s an important and large audience.”

Neither would offer a strict timetable on the Mac version, but Zeschuk did note, “That’s definitely one of the things we’re looking at next. We want to get this launch under our belt and everything stabilized and happy, and then we’ll look at other platforms, and that’s obviously one of the first ones.”

So, hopefully we’ll hear more about a Mac version this year.  Ideally, it’ll be a true native client, NOT a Cider wrapped ‘port’..