Patch Notes 1/4/12

The servers are already up!  Nice working bringing them up 5 hours ahead of schedule! Today’s patch gives us a pretty decent sized list of fixes:

I’m most happy about the cover related bugs getting fixed:


1.0.2 Patch Notes 1/4/2012



  • Guilds that are currently leaderless will have an Officer chosen and promoted to Guild Leader.

Classes and Combat


Sith Inquisitor

      • The Darth title is now properly granted to Sith Inquisitors.


Bug Fixes

    • Corrected an issue that could prevent players from taking cover when targeting large NPCs.
    • Fixed a bug that caused some abilities with activation times to be interrupted when used from cover.

Crew Skills



    • Removed some high-level harvesting nodes from Tatooine, Corellia, and Ilum.

Flashpoints and Operations





        • General Ortol can no longer be pulled out of his room.


Maelstrom Prison

        • Corrected an issue that could cause Kilran to behave incorrectly when defeated in cover.


Taral V

        • General Edikar now has the correct loot in Hard Mode and no longer enrages in Normal Mode.




Eternity Vault

        • Gharj can no longer be pulled out of his encounter room.


Bug Fixes

    • Fixed an issue that could cause choosing Nightmare Mode to not set enemies to Nightmare difficulty.




      • PvP lockboxes now cost 70 commendations, contain more consumables, and always contain an item.


Bug Fixes

    • Corrected several PvP items that were Bind on Equip. They are now Bind on Pickup.
    • PvP vendors on Capital Planets now offer the correct PvP items.
    • Commendations received via in-game mail are now correctly added to the Currency tab.

Missions and NPCs





        • Number One with a Bullet: Players who choose dark side options now correctly receive the mission First Strike after completing this mission.
        • First Strike: Players who did not receive this mission will now receive it upon entering their personal starships.



        • Death Cloud: Players can now complete the “Toxic Waste” bonus objective regardless of how quickly they complete this mission.


Bug Fixes

      • Corrected mission steps on several planets that could cause client instability.
      • Fixed issues with some missions that could prevent pending rewards from being accepted.

Space Combat


Bug Fixes

    • Fixed an issue that caused a client crash if a space station was destroyed in Space Combat.




      • Group members no longer appear on all planets on the Galaxy Map.
      • Corrected an issue that could cause map notes to disappear after logging out and back into the game.
      • Corrected some map notes that referenced the incorrect map.
      • Updated map notes for “travel to planet” steps in class missions on Nar Shaddaa, Hoth, and Belsavis to indicate the planet’s space station.


Bug Fixes

    • Group members outside of a player’s phase are no longer prompted to roll on items.
    • The In-Game Customer Service Portal no longer appears to hang while the “updating” message is displayed.
    • The Guild interface now properly displays the guild member list when it is sorted.
    • The “Show Sith Corruption” option no longer toggles off when transitioning between areas.


Miscellaneous Bug Fixes

  • Taxi rides are no longer occasionally interrupted, causing the player to be dropped from the taxi.
  • Using the /dismiss command now correctly dismisses a vanity pet.
  • Corrected some issues that could cause players to become stuck on the loading screen when logging into a character.
  • Players can now use emotes while riding a vehicle.
  • Fixed a bug that prevented some text-only mail messages from being received.
  • Graphics preferences in settings files are now consistent with actual settings in use.
  • Being in Do Not Disturb mode no longer prevents characters from being logged out for being away.
  • Corrected an issue that caused poor performance on some machines in indoor areas with shadows enabled.
  • Fixed an issue that could prevent players from being logged out for inactivity