TOR Developer Blogs 1/4

Today was a busy day over on the official Community Blog.


We got a post from James Ohlen talking about bugs and the weekly patches (and he does state that they intend on patching weekly).. here’s an excerpt of that one:


Almost every week we will be releasing a new patch. These weekly patches are almost entirely focused on bug fixes, minor balance changes and fixing any exploits in the game. These issues are the highest priority items at the studio. They are reviewed by senior leadership on a daily basis. Bug fixes usually take longer than a week to get into the game because we need to fix the issue and then test the fix. Some bugs take longer than that because of the complexity of the issue.


We got a post from Gabe Amatangelo talking about some upcoming PvP changes… the biggest of which is separating the level 50s into their own Warzone bracket.. which will happen this month, now that there is a growing population of 50s.  As well as some mention about Ilum.


Level 50 Bracket Warzones: Level 50 players will have a bracket of their own, playing in separate Warzone matches to lower level players. This is something we have wanted to do for some time and now that there is an increasing number of level 50 players we will be implementing the feature in January.


And last, but not least.. we got a quick update to the patch notes for today, and a head’s up on a forthcoming patch:

In addition, earlier today we deployed a patch (1.0.2a) that resolved a client crash upon character selection that some users were experiencing. The full patch note reads:

  • Fixed an issue that could cause players to crash to desktop after selecting a character.


Busy developer is busy!