Today one of the TOR related internet rumors that caught on like wildfire… was of someone claiming they’d been banned for dancing, outside of a ‘dance zone’. Technically, they were exploiting, as it seems the /getdown emote will interrupt NPC’s actions (Being fixed soon in a patch near you).
Turns out, that BioWare is, in fact, not taking policy ideas from small Texas towns featured in movies in the 80s (and remade, because Hollywood is out of ideas) and banning dancing. Good thing too, considering how Beta ended with Dance parties on all the servers ;)
The truth is, that someone posted on reddit, that they’d received a ban email..and even posted a pic of the email.. of course, the email had been doctored, and isn’t legit.. but, that’s never stopped the internet from continuing to propagate the rumor!
Now, using that emote will interrupt a mob’s actions (perhaps, causing them to dance with you?).. so you could get in trouble for using it now, as it’s an exploit.. but you won’t be getting in trouble, because you didn’t move your dance party to the old factory just outside the reach of the town council…