More BioWare Austin Layoffs

More sad news out of the BWA camp yesterday.  The layoffs EA started back in May, have continued with more folks being let go yesterday and today.  Rich Vogel  and Georg Zoeller are both no longer with the company.  The writers took a hit as well, losing at least one writer and one editor that I know of.  One member of creative services (he was responsible for some of the web writing, lore stuff, and contributed to the upcoming TOR encyclopedia) was also let go.

The biggest hit seems to have been to the Community team.. every member of the Community team that I know, has been let go.. At this point, I think the TOR Community team consists of just Musco and Joveth.

The TOR Community team, and how much they enjoyed their jobs, are part of the reason I’m trying to get into that aspect of the gaming industry.. so it really sucks to see so many of them impacted.

I hope everyone impacted by the layoffs at BWA finds a new, fun, gig soon!  Good Luck everyone, you’ll be missed on TOR!