Friday Update – 6-24

Yesterday’s Friday update brought us two new videos.

The first, is the Alderaan gameplay video that was originally supposed to come during E3, but was delayed due to Technical reasons.  The video is narrated by Dallas ‘The Beard’ Dickenson.


The Alderaan video gives us a look at the end of the Alderaan planet arc.. it’s a group quest (non-instanced from what I remember them saying at E3), where you end up going after the self-proclaimed ‘King’ of Alderaan, to dethrone him and allow the rightful rulers to return to power. At about 1:48 in, we get a glimpse at a bit of Crowd Control.. the Smuggler short circuits the droid and the Jedi whirlwinds the other mob.  For a group quest.. it looks pretty good, especially for not being a full blown flashpoint.



The second video we got, is a E3 Highlight reel.  Lots of good comments from people that were at E3, and got a chance to play.  Plus at about 2:05, you get to see Felicia Day playing for a bit.. and it looks like she’s enjoying herself (or, she’s enjoying DE’s abs being right there).