It’s Tuesday… so, we got our MechWarrior Tactics “Devs ask you” you question a day early (presumably due to GenCon prep).
This week, the Devs ask:
If there was a re-occurring Premium Account option – what benefits would you like to see included in this offer? (Bonus C-bills, XP bonus, Scrap bonus, etc.)
I’d like to see a premium account cost no more then $10 a month, and it should include only bonuses to XP/Scrap earned. Â 20-25% bonus to each would be more than adequate.
What’s interesting about this question, is that the last we heard, there was no XP.. our pilots would not gain levels/improve, and if we wanted to get a better pilot, we’d need to get him/her out of a STAC.
So, either this has changed, and we can now level up our pilots… or XP is going to be used for something besides pilot leveling. Â I think we just got a sneak peek at one of the MWT related topics for the GenCon panel.