I wonder how many more acronyms I can use in the title…


The MechWarrior Tactics team has just announced that they will be hosting an AMA on Reddit next week.

We are very pleased to announce that the MechWarrior Tactics Devs will be hosting an ‘Ask Me Anything’ (AMA) session on Reddit next week!

In case you haven’t come across it, Reddit has a regular feature where people from all walks of life with an interesting story to tell are interviewed by the site’s community. AMA stands for “Ask Me Anything,” and pretty much anything goes.

MechWarrior Tactics’ AMA will take place next Wednesday, September 19th at 7PM ET (Time Zone Converter)

Be sure to visit’s IAMA section and register to ask your question!


This should be interesting, I’m curious as to if the Devs will wait a little bit, and answer questions that get upvoted, or just start answering as many as they can.


EDIT:  Just got confirmation that the plan, for now, is that the Devs will try and answer as many questions as they can, and won’t be waiting for upvotes.