Special ComicCon Play Session

David Bass just posted this over on the official forums:


Hey folks,

In addition to our playable demos at the Comic-Con show floor and at BioWare Base at the Hilton Gaslamp, we’re also excited to give some of you the opportunity for an extended play session on Thursday, Friday, and Saturday night at the Hilton. We’ve got a limited number of sessions each night to allow for selected fans to play through the first hour of either the Esseles or Black Talon flashpoints. In order to do this in the most fair manner, we’re going to do a random selection from those who RSVP to this event. Here’s how it will work:

  1. On Tuesday, July 12th, we’ll make a post on the forums with instructions for how to RSVP. You’ll have exactly 24 hours from that post-time to follow the instructions and email us if you’d like to be considered for an invite. Note that you must be in San Diego during Comic-Con in order to play, so please don’t RSVP if you can’t make it to San Diego.
  2. On Wednesday, July 13th, we’ll close invites off, and over the next day we’ll randomly select players from those who RSVP’d. Those people will be contacted, and will have a day to confirm their date/time for a play session.
  3. On Friday, July 15th, any remaining open spots will be randomly offered to the remaining pool of applicants.

Note that this thread is NOT for you to RSVP in, and doing so will not affect your chances of being randomly selected. We just wanted to give you a few days’ warning so that you were ready for this week’s plans. Good luck!



So.. be sure to tune in to the official forums Tuesday if you’re going to be at Comic-Con this year..If you’re lucky you’ll get a chance to play some content we haven’t seen yet! BioWare is going to make some fans really happy..