10/17 Devs ask you!

Resuming their series of weekly “Devs ask you” questions, the MechWarrior Tactics team asks us this yesterday:

“What would your favourite implementation of a post mission salvage system look like?”

Based on what we’ve seen in the videos so far, the current implementation is just a flat reward of X amount of scrap.  Which you can then use to buy STACs to get more ‘stuff’.  I’d like to see this expanded a bit, to look like:

  • Flat award of X scrap.
  • % chance (25?) to ‘loot’ a weapon from the opposing team.  Though, to be clear, this shouldn’t take that weapon away from the losing player.. just give you a card with that weapon on it.
  • % chance (5?) to get a ‘Mech chassis via salvage, again, one of the ones used against you..but NOT at the expense of the losing player.. just create another card, and throw that in your inventory.

I think this would stick with the way a CCG works, while also throwing in a little more flavor to stay true to the Tabletop game.

What would you like to see as a scrap system?