Ask the Devs #22 – Answers!

The MechWarrior Online team gave us another round of answers to the ‘ask a dev’ thread yesterday..

Sounds like today’s patch is going to be a big one:

Q: When can we expect to see additional mech variants to fill the Jenner (Commando, Awesome, etc.) required 3 to advance to Elite skill? [Tastian]
A: Very, VERY soon™. As in tomorrow. [Garth]


This one hints at more involved environmental effects coming our way (at some point):

Q: Have you considered adding cracks to the windshield and/or sparks in the cockpit when you receive damage to the head? What about bad weather effecting windshield, such as rain or snow? [Maverick01]
A: Yes, we have plans similar to this already in the works. :)[Garth]

The only drawback to that, would be if I can’t see out the windshield, I can’t see the great artwork/models that are in the game.. but, I would like for the ‘nightvision’ mode to actually be useful..  I’m either using Thermal vision or ‘normal’ mode.


Head on over and read the rest of the answers..